Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Evil Gmail ..... ????

Originally uploaded by megarajan.
Hey ,

You all know that the Corporate philosophy of Google is "Do No Evil" , if you haven't known till now , you have known it now. :-)

A regular user of Google's products and an equal admirer of them , I recently had a bad taste of Google.

After using Yahoo Mail consistently for a very long time ( must be 4 years ), I recently shifted my loyalty to Gmail . All was going fine till one fine day.

Gmail has a list of supported browsers ( IE , Firefox and Netscape ). For the people at Google , browsers other than these ones dont exist at all in this world .

But sadly the fact is not so. I am a regular user of Opera and was very much sad at seeing it not being supported by Gmail .

But anyway I started using Gmail in Opera. After a statutory warning , I was able to see my Gmail account in Opera. I was using like this for some time. I got the same view , when I used IE or Firefox to access Gmail.

Suddenly one fine day , Gmail gave a warning that it was giving me a scaled down , HTML view , which had less features and crippled than the original view. I was never asked whether I would like this , or I was never told How I could change this behaviour to the old one...

This is something not befitting of Google and its Corporate Philosophy.
As a user of a not supported browser , I know that I may have some crashes , or unxepected bugs. But they simply cannot force me to use a browser which I dont like and for the simple reason that they have mentioned it as unsupported.

Gmail was working fine in my unsupported Opera and I simply could not take this forcing of usage.

Google has gone bad these days ...

For one more instance of an evil doing of Google , have a look at

Not so cheery

1 comment:

ச.முத்துகுமார் (Muthukumar.S) said...

I also moved to gmail like you on an experimental basis. Yahoo is equally good. Now good news for youl. Yahoo with 1GB from April.
