Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Napoleans Visit

Originally uploaded by megarajan.
Napolean had come to meet us at our office . It might be 6 months since he left and he has reduced weight since.

He is in Bangalore now and had come to chennai to get his visa approved. He is going to the U.S for a short trip .

The photo was taken in his new camera , and I look very cool in this blue outfit. I never imagined that I dressed as good as this one shows.


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Evil Gmail ..... ????

Originally uploaded by megarajan.
Hey ,

You all know that the Corporate philosophy of Google is "Do No Evil" , if you haven't known till now , you have known it now. :-)

A regular user of Google's products and an equal admirer of them , I recently had a bad taste of Google.

After using Yahoo Mail consistently for a very long time ( must be 4 years ), I recently shifted my loyalty to Gmail . All was going fine till one fine day.

Gmail has a list of supported browsers ( IE , Firefox and Netscape ). For the people at Google , browsers other than these ones dont exist at all in this world .

But sadly the fact is not so. I am a regular user of Opera and was very much sad at seeing it not being supported by Gmail .

But anyway I started using Gmail in Opera. After a statutory warning , I was able to see my Gmail account in Opera. I was using like this for some time. I got the same view , when I used IE or Firefox to access Gmail.

Suddenly one fine day , Gmail gave a warning that it was giving me a scaled down , HTML view , which had less features and crippled than the original view. I was never asked whether I would like this , or I was never told How I could change this behaviour to the old one...

This is something not befitting of Google and its Corporate Philosophy.
As a user of a not supported browser , I know that I may have some crashes , or unxepected bugs. But they simply cannot force me to use a browser which I dont like and for the simple reason that they have mentioned it as unsupported.

Gmail was working fine in my unsupported Opera and I simply could not take this forcing of usage.

Google has gone bad these days ...

For one more instance of an evil doing of Google , have a look at

Not so cheery